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A Few Healthy Snack Ideas for Toddlers

A Few Healthy Snack Ideas for Toddlers

Snacking between food is vital but it is also important to eat the meals and now not binge on empty energy. It’s not smooth to please a child, mainly when it comes to food. Snack is a small portion of food this is served in among the food to hold the kids active and refreshed. Here are some wholesome snack thoughts that can be easily integrated in a 2-yr-vintage baby weight-reduction plan chart:

Baked Sweet Potato:

Ingredients: Sweet Potato, salt and butter

Method: Wash and easy sweet potato. Cut each sweet potato in half of lengthwise after which cut the potato halves into 1-inch-wide wedges. Melt butter and brush it on all wedges. Sprinkle salt. Preheat the oven and cook till soft. Let it settle down a piece and serve warm with ketchup at the side.

Chapatti Pizza:

Ingredients: Chapatti, onion, mayonnaise, tomato, capsicum, candy corn, beans, cheese slice or unfold, salt, ketchup and butter

Method: Wash and smooth all vegetables. Chop all greens into small cubes. Heat a pan and brush it with little butter. Put chapatti on the pan and heat it a little from one facet. Spread mayonnaise evenly on the chapatti. Spread all the cut greens on chapatti and cover it with cheese slices. Sprinkle salt. Cover the pan with a lid for three to5 minutes. Cut chapatti as pizza slices. Serve it with ketchup at the side.

Paneer and Cheese toast:

Ingredients: Paneer, brown bread slices, cheese slices, salt, onion, and coriander leaves, butter.

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