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Essential German Words to know for your Apartment Search in Berlin

Essential German Words to know for your Apartment Search in Berlin

Renting an Apartment in Berlin may be a difficult process for almost everyone, but it is even harder on the immigrants, who do not understand the German language. Yet, if you learn the basic phrases, budget-friendly places, and renting standards and papers, you’ll be able to manage. We will assist you in grasping all of the facts on renting in Germany, as well as telling you where individuals commonly promote their homes and assisting you in deciding on the most convenient manner to rent an apartment.

Begin by determining precisely what you want. This will allow you to limit down your alternatives and so ease and speed up the rental process. Consider whether you want to live alone or with a housemate, if it’s alright if your flatmate is a stranger, what city/neighbourhood you want to live in, how many rooms you need, what level is best for you, and the maximum amount of money you’re ready to spend on monthly rent. These are just a few things to think about before beginning your apartment hunt. Apart from this, there are a few additional things you should be aware of, especially the language.

Here are a few essential German terms that you should be familiar with before renting an apartment in Berlin/Germany:

Altbau – Old flat: This usually refers to high ceilings. But, make certain that it has been renovated.

Anmeldung – Registration: After signing the contract, you must travel to the Bürgeramt and complete your Anmeldung.

Balkon – Balcony: Ideal for summer barbecues.

Einbauküche or EBK – Fitted Kitchen: A minimum of a stove and sink are already installed.

GEZ: Regrettably, everyone in Germany is required to pay this monthly charge to fund the German equivalents of the BBC, such as ARD and ZDF.

Hauptmieter – Principal Tenant: The individual who first signed the contract with the Vermieter, especially if you reside in a WG.

Hohe Decken – High ceilings: Keep in mind that Altbauwohnungen typically have high ceilings.

Kaltmiete – Basic rent: The rent that you must pay only for the flat (not including heating and water).

Keller – Basement: Make sure the Keller is trocken, or dry, so you may keep anything there without them becoming mouldy.

Makler – Real Estate Agent: The person who will tour you around and who you must impress in order to acquire your ideal apartment.

Maklergebühr – Brokerage Fee: You do not need to be concerned with this if you wish to rent an apartment. This charge will be paid by the landlord. If you want to buy, you will be responsible for the cost, which in Berlin is capped at 7.14%.

Mieter – Tenant : Hopefully, this is you.

Mietschuldenfreiheit: There is no translation for this, but this is the letter you want from your prior landlord stating that you have paid all of your rent in the past.

Renoviert – Renovated: Most places have been renovated in the recent 20-40 years, however some apartments that require renovations are still available for rent.

Renovierungsbedarf – Renovations required: Make sure to properly inspect the flats before moving in to avoid complications later on.

You are not the principal tenant and have less rights if you sublet. Be cautious of such apartments.

Vermieter – Landlord: The owner of the unit you live in.

Warmmiete – Rent with heating: All other expenses, such as heating and water, are included.

WG or Wohngemeinschaft – Shared Flat: Usually living with 1-4 other individuals.

Wohnberechtigungsschein: There is no translation for this, however if you make little to no money, you may be qualified to apply for a Wohnberechtigungsschein. This implies having access to more affordable housing.

Wohnfläche – Living space: The living area in your flat. Balconies are 1/4 of the size of the Wohnfläche.

Zimmer – Room: Not much to say here.

Learning the Lingo

When you begin your search, be sure you understand exactly what is being provided.

If you’re from a nation where it’s common to define a home by the number of bedrooms, you’ll notice that German is different.

A one-room apartment, for example, is not a one-bedroom home, but rather a studio apartment.

Kitchens, corridors, toilets, and baths are not counted as rooms because they are a required aspect of the lodging.

A two-bedroom house might be defined as vier zimmer (four rooms), with two bedrooms, a living room, and a dining room.

A string of these abbreviations is commonplace, which might seem quite puzzling at first, almost like a code!

But, after you’ve mastered the most often used acronyms, it’s quite simple to figure out the major elements of each property.

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